Official website for the European Skimboarding Cup. Current ranking, previous ranks, judging rules, upcoming competitions, contact.

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2025 Contest Rank

Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Men

1 Semjon Szillat 20 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
2 Mike Uijt de Haag 18 Netherlands
3 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 16 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
4 Michał Kopka 14 Poland
5 Michał Szczuraszek 12 Poland Seventyone
6 Scott Fozard 10 United Kingdom
7 Jan Szczuraszek 8 Poland Seventyone
8 Leo v. Gemmern 6 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
9 Jan Tomaszewski 4 Poland
10 Jakub Zochowski 2 Germany Jucker Hawaii
11 Daniel Plumridge 0 United Kingdom Seventyone
12 Raul Rogala 0 Poland
13 Nick Dewenter 0 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
14 Max van Leeuwen 0 Netherlands GoZone Skimboards
15 Tino Wienen 0 Germany

Pro Women

1 Lydia Blanke 20 Ireland DB Skimboards
2 Agata Opora 18 Poland Seventyone
3 Isabelle Moschüring 16 Germany SLICK Skimboards
4 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 14 Poland
5 Maja Juncewicz 12 Poland
6 Kathraina Siekmann 10 Germany

U16 - Boys & Girls

1 Felix Gerig 20 Germany
2 Julian Kulczyk 18 Poland
3 Henrik Roesner 16 Germany
4 Hugo Söndgerath 14 Germany
Rank Name Points Nationality Sponsors

Pro Men

1 Semjon Szillat 20 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
2 Mike Uijt de Haag 18 Netherlands
3 Oliwier Łukaszczyk 16 Poland Kayotics Skimboards
4 Michał Kopka 14 Poland
5 Michał Szczuraszek 12 Poland Seventyone
6 Scott Fozard 10 United Kingdom
7 Jan Szczuraszek 8 Poland Seventyone
8 Leo v. Gemmern 6 Germany Kayotics Skimboards
9 Jan Tomaszewski 4 Poland
10 Jakub Zochowski 2 Germany Jucker Hawaii
11 Tino Wienen 0 Germany

Pro Women

1 Lydia Blanke 20 Ireland DB Skimboards
2 Agata Opora 18 Poland Seventyone
3 Isabelle Moschüring 16 Germany SLICK Skimboards
4 Paula Jochim-Pawlik 14 Poland
5 Maja Juncewicz 12 Poland
6 Kathraina Siekmann 10 Germany

U16 - Boys & Girls

1 Felix Gerig 20 Germany
2 Julian Kulczyk 18 Poland
3 Henrik Roesner 16 Germany
4 Hugo Söndgerath 14 Germany


2025 season a lot of things are new!! This year the European Skimboarding Cup will take place for the 10th time at the Boot trade fair in Düsseldorf. For the first time, the contest will be held on the first Sunday of the fair!!! from Friday January 17th morning (i.e. one day before the start of the trade fair) at 9 a.m The pool is available for warm-up. The big press walk is at 11 on Saturday, January 18th. 
The pool is blocked all day for the warm-up for the registered drivers. 
On Sunday January 19th the contest takes place timeline coming soon!!

You can register in 3 categories on the boat.
Groms up to 16 years of age at with name and mail address or at
Girls aged 8 - 99 - at with name and email address or at
from 16 years - Pro as usual at 
The registration deadline is January 10, 2025 All registered riders will receive QR codes for entry via the above address! 
An access card for free training on Friday January 17th. is not necessary!!! The exact timetable will be submitted soon. The contest is organized by Skimzone Germany and Seventyone

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Postfach 10 10 06, 40001 Düsseldorf
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf


Contest scheduled for 16/08/2025


The Swiss Skimboarding Open is already entering its third round! On August 16, 2025, the national and international elite will meet for a unique contest in the heart of Bern.

  •  Only skimboarding event in Switzerland
  •  Official Swiss Championship
  •  Official tour stop and part of the European Skimboarding Cup
  •  Competition format with five categories (Pro Men, Pro Women, Pro U16, Open, Open Teens)
  •  Open pool sessions for everyone
  • Afterparty :)


Die Swiss Skimboarding Open gehen bereits in die dritte Runde! Am 16. August 2025 trifft sich die nationale und internationale Elite zu einem einzigartigen Contest im Herzen von Bern.
  • Einziger Skimboardevent in der Schweiz
  • Offizielle Schweizermeisterschaft
  • Offizieller Tourstopp und Teil des European Skimboarding Cup
  • Wettkampfformat mit fünf Kategorien (Pro Men, Pro Women, Pro U16, Open, Open Teens)
  • Open Pool Sessions für alle
  • Afterparty :


Contest scheduled for 23/08/2025

Contest scheduled for 30/08/2025


Skimboarding in the urban heart of Germany’s capital, directly in front of Berlin’s biggest arena – if that sounds like your kind of vibe, you shouldn’t miss the European Skimboarding Cup at the Uber Platz on August 30th, 2025.
The massive fountain in front of the world-famous Uber Arena was first opened to the sport by public figure Adrien Raza in the summer of 2023. After another successful skimboarding session in 2024, the Uber Platz is now set to host its first ever competition.
Situated between the river Spree, the East Side Gallery and the vibrant Warschauer Straße, the participants will not only have fun on their boards but share a one-of-a-kind Berlin experience. Are you ready to compete for the title in this unique spot?
